Capital: AREEEEEntar-taREEEEEEn Government: REEEEEEEEpublic (now a militaREEEEEE junta) PREEEEEsident: Grampavoz GREEEEEEEEz PREEEEm Minister: Galloz Official language: ArantaREEEEEEEEEEEse (nothing but screaming) Official REEEEEEEligion: none (secular countREEEEEEEE) Patron god: ZomREEEEEEEEonōr or PjosaREEEEEEz CurREEEEEEEncy: min, made of 700 shoqilson
BTW, the text under the GREEEphon reads a scream: "RĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪI !!!"
The hat the GREEEEphon is wearing was used by Vozonid jesters and clowns, suggesting that Arantar has become into a failed state and (ironically) a lawless laughingstock of the world in an alternate timeline.