A continuation of ASS: Commander Octavaia.
Side by side in AAS Trixie and Octavia are a force to be reckoned with. Trixie is the headstrong CO of the ISS Warship Hydra.
She seemingly acts in a very extreame manner when handleing any situation without compromise, however anyone who looks beyond her actions can see the deep rooted thoughts of a analytical mind. As Captain and a Master Engineer, Trixie doesn't do anything without thinking it through and weighing the options before acting. Though her captions may seem rash, she never gives an order on a whim without thinking it through.
Commander Octavia on the other hand is more reserved to her unicorn counterpart. Lacking confidence in her ability to command Octavia takes on a more mother hen approach to running the Hydra.
She is the voice of reason to Trixies actions. She serves as Trixie support and second in command without question or hesitation. In a fight she is more than willing to lay her life on the line for her ship, crew, and especially Trixie. <3 <3
Side note: Yhis was a full sketch that has been sitting in my room for almost 3 years I believe. And I finally finished it!! Also, to my fellow colorblind friends out there, dont give up! The struggle is real but we can over come it with little changes! I could do it so can you!
#Colorblindlife ,)