Of all places in the apartment. Albert's special place is in the bathroom. That's his personal space/bedroom where he can be alone and play by himself. Karen needs to clean the bathroom, and Albert loves playing and messing around under the bathtub. And yes they do have an old fashion bathtub and Albert loves being under there. That's his hiding place and his like bedroom of his.
You know the feeling when your mother comes into your room and start cleaning and maybe invading your private space? That's Albert, one day he really didn't like having Karen going under the tub cleaning out his toys and his dust. From his anger, he shouted "Son of a B*TICH!!" every loudly at Karen. And Karen never let her own parrot swear, and he must have learned it from someone else. Of course, it's from Mikey. Especially when he works long hours in the Subway system is stressful. He swears when he complains, but Karen told him not to do it in front of the bird. But Mikey said; "Don't worry, he's not going to know, he's going to learn it." But sadly he DID. Albert only swears when someone gets him angry. He doesn't say it randomly like other parrots do, he only says it when he's angry. And Karen, once she heard him swear, she got really mad at Mikey and said; "This is all your fault! You taught him this! Also, he said it in YOUR voice!" Because African Greys can impersonate noises and voices. Albert only knows two swear words. Wait for the next part and it involves Mikey.
Also I wanted to add. Albert one time pooped on my leg as he sits on my lap. Guess what when I told Albert; "What's the matter with you?" He just laughs at me like a bad boy. What a troll bird he is.
Karen if you're reading this. I'm sorry, this is the funniest thing I've heard when Mikey told this story when Albert cruse at you.