"…Me?" Butterscotch croaked, "Y-you want me to inherit the farm?"
Apple Jack simply nodded.
"I know you might be a tad worried 'bout the proposition, but you dont hafta come to a decision just yet."
"I… but I just…" Butterscotch traced her hoof in a circle, shifting the dirt on the sun kissed hill around in a circle "Why? I'm not even the oldest."
AJ chuckled "Well, ya technically are. Besides, I can't say I see a settled life on the farm in Stitcher's future. She's got her eyes set on ya mother's boutique."
"But… Chip… Or cousin"
"Sugarcube, listen," AJ interrupted "I know you. I can remember the day you were born, squirmin' and kickin' amongst ya big overgrown ears and that big curly mane a yours…. I know ya dont feel it, but you're an apple. you've got apple blood pumpin' in your veins, and yer exactly the kinda gal I'd want to be runnin' this place when Im too old n grey to keep it goin… granted, ya got a bitta time."
AJ gently took the hat down from her head, and placed it gently onto her daughter's. It fell too far forward over her eyes, but she pushed it up with a ginger hoof and turned to look at her mother.
"It's up to you, sugarcube, it'll always be upta you… but don't underestimate y'self. I wouldnt've asked if I didn't think you could do it."
And with that, the mare pushed herself to her hooves, and headed back towards the barn.
u kno… in working out this au, i kinda forgot about like, the actual nextgen ocs. partly because i have more fun drawing canon chars but i just gotta work into it gradually i guess.
anyway, here's the apple fam page for context. butterscotch is the daughter of apple jack and rarity: www.deviantart.com/uunicornicc…
butters is a bit lacking in the self esteem department. she's hesitant to take her mother up on the offer because she's…well… she's not physically strong, like chip or AJ or a lot of the apple fam. AJ isn't oblivious to the fact she's not very strong, but she does know she has strengths elsewhere and would be better suited for a business managerial position.
also a little off topic but i think i need a name for this au (not this scene but like my whole nextgen/headcanon/etc as a whole) but idk what. im open to suggestions lol