*Name : Jake Sparkle
Nickname: Jakie (Nickname of his cousin Flurry)
Species: Unicorn
Family: Family: Twilight (mother) Flash (Father) Diamond Wings (Little sister)/ Shining Armor (Uncle) Cadance (Aunt) Flurry Heart (Cousin) Looven (Cousin)/ Twilight Velvet (Grandmother) Night Light (Grandfather) / Owlowiscious (Mascot)
Age: 17
Being the son of a princess, isn’t easy, it's a bit difficult to make friends.
He is a nerd XD, He loves to read and know about the history of all the ponies and villains and the new species that exist in his times.
He usually writes things or curious facts about ponies or species (creatures).
He loves to be with his younger sister, he was very happy to have a sister, he is kinda overprotective with her, she was so small that he wanted to protect her at all costs (and still) they usually read together and he shows his spells to his sister, could say that they are very attached, even after adults.
His cousin Flurry Heart, is very affectionate with him and vice versa, when Jake were younger he and Flurry used to make pranks for some guards and ponies XD.
He likes to travel to the Crystal Empire to visit his cousin and uncles.
He is a fan of Star swirl the Barbered, of the princesses and obviously the fan N1 of his mother and father.
He is sometimes with his aunt Starlight (yes, aunt or wellp kinda Xd) and he is intrigued by her past, and the way he changes, sometimes he asks for advice, and Starlight can give it to him.
He is friendly, intelligent but sometimes stubborn.
His favorite colors are purple and light blue.
He likes books, magic, science, and is very organized!
Hope that you liked it!
My Next Generation babus
Bright Pastel
Art and character ©
MLP:FIM © Hasbro and Lauren Faust