Quick FlashShimmer doodle.
"They Don't Know About Us" by Victoria Duffield feat. Cody Simpson is still one of my all time favorite songs and I also think it fits FlashShimmer really well. I made a FlashShimmer drawing specifically based on this song and the music video for it but I decided to draw this drawing as a subtle nod to the song because the song (at least this is my interpretation of it) is about how people think they're faking their relationship but in the end all that matter is that they know that their relationship is the real deal. I drew Sunset in her new outfit because I feel like I should try to draw more FlashShimmer drawings where she's wearing this outfit more often. I also drew her in this outfit as symbolic to the idea of Sunset and Flash getting back together post Legend of Everfree and I would assume if there is a fifth movie (which honestly I'm hoping there isn't), she'd go back to wearing this outfit when they'd go back to Canterlot High for another school year.
I honestly still prefer to draw her in her old outfit though.