Artist's comment:
"Mmmm…mom, why did we climb so high?" Cloudy shook and pressed closer to his mother with fear looking down.
"Well you gotta learn how to fly my Fuzzy boy, all your peers already can fly and you need to learn at least something before I send you to the Cloudsdale Flight School."
" Do i really need to go there? I'm absolutely alright without flying…"
" Come on Cloudy, you are pegasus and flying it's kinda like your duty. Ok babe,now, let's try it! Just jump , open your wings and try to flip them in order to keep yourself on the air. If something goes wrong papa will catch y'a."
"Nnnn…no…. I'm afraid!"
"Oh come on! Just tru it! You'll fall in love with flying, promise you!"
" Not sure to fall in love with flying today mommy… Let's try it another day,pleeese!"
"F-fine… but you've promise, another day."
"Year, thank you mom! Another Day!"
What in Equestria is going on with this child?
Rainbow teaching her little babbu how to fly. But Cloudy is't very big fan of flying like his super-flyers parents (and maybe never would be)… He's trying to overcome his fear of high, but it's not very successful yet.
Rainbow always thought that her boy will be even more skillful flyer than she or Soarin. But expectations are not always met… But even through he is't very good flyer she is still loving her little Fuzzy-boy~
NextGen shown:
NextGen: Cloud Spirit by Marbola