I'll admit that when it comes to seeing the MLP episodes, I've fallen way behind & I will get to Season 6…eventually. In the Season 7 episode 'A Royal Problem', we were introduced to Daybreaker, the 'Nightmare Moon' variation of Princess Celestia. I liked that form of Tia, and it was more than enough for me to have my O/FC Wyldfyre don a Daybreaker look for herself for Nightmare Night. This also gave me an excuse to work on her new slimmer body type, all things considering.
Wyldfyre is normally yellowish orange, so at first I had her in Daybreaker's color scheme, but then chose to give her a blue body color scheme (being that blue fire is hotter than orange…and I had her with blue before), so it was a good choice. The armor at first glance looked difficult, but a couple of references help to show it wasn't all that hard. In the end I have no complaints, though I do consider this one the hardest of the 5 I did.