NOTE FOR DERPIBOORU VIEWING: If you click it to pull it up to full size, it removes the little glitchiness that happens every 3 seconds
Wohoo! My first ever little animation!
Pendulums are useful as an introductory topic in both physics and animation, from what I've seen.
Twilight's just excited to help me with a little experiment, here… Does the pendulum seem to be going the right speed, or too slow, or too fast?
Huge thanks to Mister Aibo and his absolutely fantastic AniGen program!
Apparently it's not great if you plan to go into industry since it doesn't work like many industry tools, but since I'm just doing personal projects with no plans to go into industry, that's fine.
Used the background from here:…
Animated an old vector of mine here:…
And OH MY GOSH it was not easy to figure out how to use ffmpeg to make a webm, or to even discover ffmpeg in the first place. Took hours of Googling and narrowly avoiding virus-ridden websites and downloads. 'tis a dangerous sea to navigate, but I found me treasure!
I'm looking forward to making more animations in the future. If you got any cool little simple ideas I'd love to hear'em. I only give it like a 10% chance I'll take your suggestion but who knows, maybe someone has a really cool one
Webms are so freaking amazing! More than 10x smaller, +50% the framerate, and much better color quality. Source just has a crappy gif :p
Hmm, though it seems derpibooru has some oddity going on with the webm…