During the Meiji Restoration, the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces has modernized the army like Western Style since the Satsuma Rebellion that fought against the Former Samurai led by Saigo Takamori in 1877. Under Western Military Training Advisor (Especially Prussia), The Imperial Japanese Armed Forces continuing to modernize the army and navy under Meiji's Administration until the First Sino Japanese War erupted . China under Qing Dynasty also restoration like Japan since they been humiliating defeated by Western Powers , China also modernizing the armed force like Japan , including Beiyang Army and Navy into strongest military of the world . But they having to facing the threat that must be remove like: Corruption, Lazy ,Gambling, and even selling the military stuffs to Black Market . But Japan is difference, if they do like China. The Officials and General will take the heavy responsibility and been shameful before the honour. In 1894, Japan declares war with China after Donghak Rebellion in Korea . Will Japan can take down China and become the true superpower of Asia?
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