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Size: 1920x1080 | Tagged: safe, artist:cyanlightning, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:ahuizotl, character:amethyst star, character:angel bunny, character:apple bloom, character:applejack, character:babs seed, character:big mcintosh, character:caramel, character:cherry berry, character:cozy glow, character:cup cake, character:dandy dispatch, character:daring do, character:derpy hooves, character:diamond tiara, character:discord, character:dj pon-3, character:doctor caballeron, character:flash sentry, character:fluttershy, character:gallus, character:goldie delicious, character:granny smith, character:grogar, character:guardian angel, character:harry, character:humdrum, character:king sombra, character:lightning dust, character:liza doolots, character:lord tirek, character:mare do well, character:matilda, character:mayor mare, character:meadow song, character:mean applejack, character:mean fluttershy, character:mean pinkie pie, character:mean rainbow dash, character:mean rarity, character:mean twilight sparkle, character:noi, character:ocellus, character:owlowiscious, character:peewee, character:petunia, character:pinkie pie, character:princess cadance, character:princess celestia, character:princess flurry heart, character:princess luna, character:quibble pants, character:rainbow dash, character:rainbowshine, character:rarity, character:roseluck, character:sandbar, character:silver spoon, character:silverstream, character:smolder, character:sparkler, character:spike, character:starlight glimmer, character:sunset shimmer, character:thorax, character:tootsie flute, character:tree of harmony, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (alicorn), character:twilight sparkle (eqg), character:twist, character:vinyl scratch, character:whoa nelly, character:yona, species:alicorn, species:bird, species:breezies, species:centaur, species:changedling, species:changeling, species:classical hippogriff, species:dog, species:draconequus, species:dragon, species:earth pony, species:eqg human, species:griffon, species:hippogriff, species:owl, species:pegasus, species:phoenix, species:pony, species:rabbit, species:ram, species:reformed changeling, species:sheep, species:unicorn, species:yak, episode:28 pranks later, episode:a canterlot wedding, episode:call of the cutie, episode:canterlot boutique, episode:daring doubt, episode:dragon quest, episode:equestria games, episode:fall weather friends, episode:fame and misfortune, episode:feeling pinkie keen, episode:filli vanilli, episode:friendship is magic, episode:it ain't easy being breezies, episode:just for sidekicks, episode:keep calm and flutter on, episode:magical mystery cure, episode:molt down, episode:no second prances, episode:non-compete clause, episode:one bad apple, episode:owl's well that ends well, episode:pinkie apple pie, episode:power ponies, episode:putting your hoof down, episode:school daze, episode:school raze, episode:slice of life, episode:spike at your service, episode:stranger than fanfiction, episode:the beginning of the end, episode:the crystalling, episode:the cutie map, episode:the ending of the end, episode:the last problem, episode:the last roundup, episode:the mean 6, episode:the mysterious mare do well, episode:the washouts, episode:to where and back again, episode:too many pinkie pies, episode:twilight's kingdom, episode:what about discord?, equestria girls:equestria girls, equestria girls:rollercoaster of friendship, g4, my little pony: equestria girls, my little pony: friendship is magic, my little pony: the movie (2017), my little pony:equestria girls, my little pony:pony life, abuse, alicorn drama, animal, animated, animation error, bear, body pillow, boop, breeziefied, bucket, clone, clone six, clothing, cloud, cookie zombie, cozy glow drama, crying, dab, destruction, dragoness, drama, drama bait, dress, element of generosity, element of honesty, element of kindness, element of laughter, element of loyalty, element of magic, elements of harmony, equestria girls drama, exploitable meme, female, filly, flurry heart drama, flutterbuse, food, friends are always there for you, glimmerposting, golden oaks library, good as hell, gotcha, i just don't know what went wrong, in the hall of the mountain king, laughing, lightning dust drama, magenta eyes, male, mane six, map, mare, meme, music, older, older twilight, overcast (character), peanut butter, peewee, petrification, pinkie clone, pony life drama, princess twilight 2.0, professor mossmane, professor mosstone, rainbow dab, rainbow girrash, rainbow power, red eyes, royal guard, self-boop, singing, slap, sound, species swap, spike the dog, spikeabuse, squirrel, stallion, starlight drama, student six, tartarus, teenager, text, the saddest picture in equestria, tree of harmony, twilight's castle, twiscream, uniform, wall of tags, washouts uniform, webm, you know for kids, you ruined everything
Size: 1280x720 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:apple bloom, character:applejack, character:autumn blaze, character:berry punch, character:berryshine, character:big mcintosh, character:button mash, character:cup cake, character:derpy hooves, character:discord, character:dj pon-3, character:filthy rich, character:flash magnus, character:fluttershy, character:gallus, character:grand pear, character:granny smith, character:huckleberry, character:king sombra, character:lightning dust, character:lord tirek, character:matilda, character:maud pie, character:meadowbrook, character:minuette, character:mistmane, character:moondancer, character:nightmare moon, character:november rain, character:ocellus, character:octavia melody, character:owlowiscious, character:pinkie pie, character:princess cadance, character:princess celestia, character:princess flurry heart, character:princess luna, character:queen chrysalis, character:rainbow dash, character:rarity, character:rockhoof, character:sandbar, character:scootaloo, character:shining armor, character:silverstream, character:smolder, character:soarin', character:somnambula, character:spike, character:spitfire, character:star swirl the bearded, character:starlight glimmer, character:sunset shimmer, character:sweetie belle, character:tank, character:thorax, character:tree of harmony, character:trixie, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (alicorn), character:twilight sparkle (unicorn), character:vinyl scratch, character:yona, species:alicorn, species:changedling, species:changeling, species:draconequus, species:dragon, species:earth pony, species:griffon, species:hippogriff, species:pegasus, species:pony, species:reformed changeling, species:unicorn, species:yak, episode:a canterlot wedding, episode:a hearth's warming tail, episode:a royal problem, episode:amending fences, episode:apple family reunion, episode:baby cakes, episode:castle sweet castle, episode:crusaders of the lost mark, episode:fall weather friends, episode:filli vanilli, episode:friendship is magic, episode:it's about time, episode:keep calm and flutter on, episode:lesson zero, episode:magic duel, episode:magical mystery cure, episode:maud pie, episode:molt down, episode:no second prances, episode:on the road to friendship, episode:pinkie apple pie, episode:princess twilight sparkle, episode:school daze, episode:school raze, episode:shadow play, episode:she's all yak, episode:sleepless in ponyville, episode:slice of life, episode:sonic rainboom, episode:sounds of silence, episode:tanks for the memories, episode:testing testing 1-2-3, episode:the best night ever, episode:the crystal empire, episode:the crystalling, episode:the cutie map, episode:the cutie re-mark, episode:the last roundup, episode:the perfect pear, episode:the return of harmony, episode:to where and back again, episode:twilight's kingdom, episode:winter wrap up, g4, my little pony: friendship is magic, season 1, season 4, season 5, season 8, season 9, absolutely everypony, animated, apple family, applejack's hat, background pony, changeling queen, claws, clothing, colt, cowboy hat, crying, crystal heart, cutie mark, cutie mark crusaders, dragoness, element of generosity, element of honesty, element of kindness, element of loyalty, element of magic, elements of harmony, end of ponies, eyes closed, female, filly, filly twilight sparkle, flying, friendship student, future twilight, golden oaks library, group hug, hat, hug, japanese, male, mane six, mare, music video, photo, pillars of equestria, ponies the anthology vii, ponytones, ponytones outfit, ponyville, rainbow power, school of friendship, season 2, season 3, season 6, season 7, siblings, sisters, sky, sound, spread wings, stallion, student six, teenager, the legend of heroes, the legend of heroes:sen no kiseki, trails of cold steel 2, tree, tree of harmony, twilight snapple, twilight's castle, wall of tags, we're apples to the core, webm, winged spike, wings, younger
Size: 640x360 | Tagged: safe, artist:alex di stasi, artist:alfa995, artist:flyer, artist:jan, artist:kanashiipanda, artist:lumineko, artist:luzion, artist:petirep, artist:shinodage, artist:stormxf3, edit, edited screencap, editor:flyer, editor:luzion, screencap, character:amethyst star, character:angel bunny, character:apple bloom, character:applejack, character:berry punch, character:berryshine, character:big mcintosh, character:button mash, character:carrot top, character:cheerilee, character:daisy, character:derpy hooves, character:diamond tiara, character:discord, character:fluttershy, character:gallus, character:golden harvest, character:granny smith, character:huckleberry, character:limestone pie, character:lyra heartstrings, character:marble pie, character:maud pie, character:minuette, character:night light, character:november rain, character:ocellus, character:octavia melody, character:pinkamena diane pie, character:pinkie pie, character:princess cadance, character:princess celestia, character:princess flurry heart, character:princess luna, character:rainbow dash, character:rarity, character:sandbar, character:scootaloo, character:shining armor, character:silver spoon, character:silverstream, character:smolder, character:snails, character:snips, character:sparkler, character:spike, character:sweetie belle, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (alicorn), character:twilight sparkle (unicorn), character:twilight velvet, character:twist, character:yona, oc, oc:apogee, species:alicorn, species:bird, species:changedling, species:dragon, species:duck, species:earth pony, species:griffon, species:hippogriff, species:pegasus, species:pony, species:unicorn, fanfic:my little dashie, episode:a canterlot wedding, episode:boast busters, episode:fall weather friends, episode:friendship is magic, episode:it's about time, episode:lesson zero, episode:luna eclipsed, episode:magical mystery cure, episode:school daze, episode:sonic rainboom, episode:the best night ever, episode:the cutie re-mark, episode:the return of harmony, episode:three's a crowd, episode:winter wrap up, episode:yakity-sax, g4, my little pony: friendship is magic, my little pony: the movie (2017), animal, animated, apple farm, armor, background pony, backpack, beaver, canterlot, canterlot castle, captain hook the biker gorilla, castle of the royal pony sisters, clever musings, cloudsdale, colt, colt big macintosh, cute, cutie mark, cutie mark crusaders, dragoness, end of ponies, female, filly, filly applejack, filly fluttershy, filly rainbow dash, filly rarity, filly twilight sparkle, friendship student, future twilight, glass of water, helmet, jack black, jewelry, magic, male, mane seven, mane six, mare, mentally advanced series, meta, nostalgia, pie family, pmv, ponyville, rainbow dash presents, regalia, royal guard, royal guard armor, sans (undertale), shyabetes, sonic rainboom, sound, sparkle family, stallion, student six, the ride never ends, twilight sparkle's cutie mark, twitter, undertale, wall of tags, water, webm, wings, younger
Size: 1280x720 | Tagged: safe, artist:brutalweather studio, artist:nightfalls studios, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:ahuizotl, character:apple bloom, character:applejack, character:babs seed, character:biff, character:big mcintosh, character:cheerilee, character:chelsea porcelain, character:daring do, character:daybreaker, character:derpy hooves, character:diamond tiara, character:fili-second, character:fluttershy, character:geri, character:granny smith, character:humdrum, character:lord tirek, character:masked matter-horn, character:maud pie, character:mistress marevelous, character:mr. waddle, character:pinkie pie, character:princess cadance, character:princess celestia, character:princess luna, character:queen chrysalis, character:radiance, character:rainbow dash, character:rainbow swoop, character:rarity, character:rogue, character:saddle rager, character:scootaloo, character:snowfall frost, character:spectrum, character:spike, character:starlight glimmer, character:sunset shimmer, character:sweetie belle, character:train tracks, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (alicorn), character:twilight sparkle (unicorn), character:withers, character:zapp, species:alicorn, species:pegasus, species:pony, species:unicorn, episode:a canterlot wedding, episode:a hearth's warming tail, episode:a royal problem, episode:castle mane-ia, episode:daring don't, episode:hearth's warming eve, episode:hurricane fluttershy, episode:it's about time, episode:maud pie, episode:one bad apple, episode:pinkie apple pie, episode:power ponies, episode:scare master, episode:the cart before the ponies, episode:the cutie re-mark, episode:the return of harmony, episode:three's a crowd, episode:twilight's kingdom, equestria girls:mirror magic, g4, my little pony: equestria girls, my little pony: friendship is magic, my little pony:equestria girls, spoiler:eqg specials, a colt classic, alternate timeline, animal costume, animated, apple family, applelion, armor, background pony, bipedal, bons away, book, chrysalis resistance timeline, clothing, costume, cutie mark crusaders, duck tales, duck tales 2017, ducktales, future twilight, henchmen, hot air balloon, intro, mane seven, mane six, mermaid, mermarity, new episode, pmv, ponyville, raft, rainbow swoop, randolph, rings of scorchero, sound, spectrum, spirit of hearth's warming past, spirit of hearth's warming yet to come, tatzlwurm, teletoon, the cutie remark prequel, twigun, twilight's castle, twinkling balloon, unnamed pony, wall of tags, webm, youtube link
Size: 640x360 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:applejack, character:capper dapperpaws, character:fluttershy, character:pinkie pie, character:rainbow dash, character:rarity, character:spike, character:twilight sparkle, species:abyssinian, species:anthro, species:digitigrade anthro, species:dragon, species:human, my little pony: the movie (2017), animated, anime, cat, crossover, curtain, don't let your kids watch it, exploitable meme, garnet (jewelpet), i'm the friend you need, jewelpet, klugetown, lazytown, magic, mane six, mega poneo strikes again, meme, moonwalk, op is a duck, op is trying to start shit, robbie rotten, sanrio, sega, sound, subverted meme, webm, youtube poop
Size: 1280x720 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:applejack, character:fluttershy, character:pinkie pie, character:rainbow dash, character:rarity, character:spike, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (alicorn), species:alicorn, species:dragon, species:earth pony, species:pegasus, species:pony, species:unicorn, /mlp/, episode:the last problem, g4, my little pony: friendship is magic, all star (song), animated, book, book of harmony, dreamworks, edited edit, end of ponies, gigachad spike, mane seven, mane six, meme, ogre, older, older applejack, older fluttershy, older mane seven, older mane six, older pinkie pie, older rainbow dash, older rarity, older spike, older twilight, princess twilight 2.0, shrek, smash mouth, somebody once told me, sound, webm, winged spike
Size: 1280x720 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:aloe, character:angel bunny, character:apple bloom, character:applejack, character:autumn blaze, character:babs seed, character:berry punch, character:berryshine, character:big mcintosh, character:bon bon, character:bow hothoof, character:braeburn, character:bright mac, character:burnt oak, character:capper dapperpaws, character:carrot cake, character:cheerilee, character:cheese sandwich, character:cherry jubilee, character:clear sky, character:cloudy quartz, character:coco pommel, character:coloratura, character:cranky doodle donkey, character:cup cake, character:daring do, character:derpy hooves, character:diamond tiara, character:discord, character:dj pon-3, character:doctor whooves, character:double diamond, character:fancypants, character:featherweight, character:flam, character:flash magnus, character:flash sentry, character:flim, character:fluttershy, character:gabby, character:gallus, character:garble, character:gentle breeze, character:gilda, character:goldie delicious, character:grand pear, character:granny smith, character:igneous rock pie, character:iron will, character:limestone pie, character:lotus blossom, character:luster dawn, character:lyra heartstrings, character:marble pie, character:matilda, character:maud pie, character:mayor mare, character:meadowbrook, character:mistmane, character:moondancer, character:mudbriar, character:night glider, character:night light, character:nurse redheart, character:ocellus, character:octavia melody, character:opalescence, character:owlowiscious, character:party favor, character:pear butter, character:pharynx, character:photo finish, character:pinkie pie, character:pipsqueak, character:plaid stripes, character:posey shy, character:pound cake, character:prince pharynx, character:prince rutherford, character:princess cadance, character:princess celestia, character:princess ember, character:princess flurry heart, character:princess luna, character:pumpkin cake, character:quibble pants, character:rainbow dash, character:rarity, character:rockhoof, character:roseluck, character:rumble, character:saffron masala, character:sandbar, character:sassy saddles, character:scootaloo, character:shining armor, character:silver spoon, character:silverstream, character:smolder, character:snails, character:snips, character:soarin', character:somnambula, character:spike, character:spitfire, character:star swirl the bearded, character:starlight glimmer, character:stygian, character:sugar belle, character:sunburst, character:sunset shimmer, character:sweetie belle, character:sweetie drops, character:tank, character:tempest shadow, character:tender taps, character:terramar, character:thorax, character:thunderlane, character:time turner, character:tree hugger, character:trixie, character:trouble shoes, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (alicorn), character:twilight velvet, character:twist, character:vinyl scratch, character:windy whistles, character:winona, character:yona, character:zecora, character:zephyr breeze, character:zipporwhill, species:alicorn, species:breezies, species:changedling, species:changeling, species:dragon, species:pegasus, species:pony, species:reformed changeling, episode:the last problem, g4, my little pony: friendship is magic, season 9, animated, buttercup, cutie mark crusaders, end of ponies, everycreature, everypony, flim flam brothers, gallop j. fry, georgia (character), gigachad spike, mane seven, mane six, meme, neon genesis evangelion, older, older applejack, older fluttershy, older gallop j. fry, older mane seven, older mane six, older pinkie pie, older rainbow dash, older rarity, older spike, older twilight, photo, princess twilight 2.0, rara, rebuild of evangelion, rebuild of evangelion 2.0 - you can (not) advance, river song (character), series finale, sound, sound edit, spa twins, the end, the magic of friendship grows, the ride never ends, tsubasa wo kudasai, wall of tags, webm, winged spike, yelena
Size: 1280x720 | Tagged: safe, artist:tridashie, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:aloe, character:angel bunny, character:apple bloom, character:applejack, character:autumn blaze, character:babs seed, character:berry punch, character:berryshine, character:big mcintosh, character:bon bon, character:bow hothoof, character:braeburn, character:bright mac, character:burnt oak, character:capper dapperpaws, character:carrot cake, character:cattail, character:cheerilee, character:cheese sandwich, character:cherry jubilee, character:clear sky, character:cloudy quartz, character:coco pommel, character:coloratura, character:cranky doodle donkey, character:cup cake, character:daring do, character:derpy hooves, character:diamond tiara, character:discord, character:dj pon-3, character:doctor whooves, character:double diamond, character:fancypants, character:featherweight, character:flam, character:flash magnus, character:flash sentry, character:flim, character:fluttershy, character:gabby, character:gallus, character:garble, character:gentle breeze, character:gilda, character:goldie delicious, character:grand pear, character:granny smith, character:igneous rock pie, character:iron will, character:limestone pie, character:lotus blossom, character:luster dawn, character:lyra heartstrings, character:marble pie, character:matilda, character:maud pie, character:mayor mare, character:meadowbrook, character:mistmane, character:moondancer, character:mudbriar, character:night glider, character:night light, character:nurse redheart, character:ocellus, character:octavia melody, character:opalescence, character:owlowiscious, character:party favor, character:pear butter, character:pharynx, character:photo finish, character:pinkie pie, character:pipsqueak, character:plaid stripes, character:posey shy, character:pound cake, character:prince pharynx, character:prince rutherford, character:princess cadance, character:princess celestia, character:princess ember, character:princess flurry heart, character:princess luna, character:pumpkin cake, character:quibble pants, character:rainbow dash, character:rarity, character:rockhoof, character:roseluck, character:rumble, character:saffron masala, character:sandbar, character:sassy saddles, character:scootaloo, character:shining armor, character:silver spoon, character:silverstream, character:smolder, character:snails, character:snips, character:soarin', character:somnambula, character:spike, character:spitfire, character:star swirl the bearded, character:starlight glimmer, character:stygian, character:sugar belle, character:sunburst, character:sunset shimmer, character:sweetie belle, character:sweetie drops, character:tank, character:tempest shadow, character:tender taps, character:terramar, character:thorax, character:thunderlane, character:time turner, character:tree hugger, character:trixie, character:trouble shoes, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (alicorn), character:twilight velvet, character:twist, character:vinyl scratch, character:windy whistles, character:winona, character:yona, character:zecora, character:zephyr breeze, character:zipporwhill, oc, oc:tridashie, species:alicorn, species:breezies, species:changedling, species:changeling, species:dragon, species:pegasus, species:pony, species:reformed changeling, episode:the last problem, g4, my little pony: friendship is magic, my little pony: the movie (2017), season 9, spoiler:my little pony the movie, 2020, animated, buttercup, countdown, cutie mark crusaders, end of ponies, everycreature, everypony, flim flam brothers, gallop j. fry, georgia (character), gigachad spike, happy new year, happy new year 2020, holiday, indonesia, indonesian, irl, jakarta, mane seven, mane six, meme, older, older applejack, older fluttershy, older gallop j. fry, older mane seven, older mane six, older pinkie pie, older rainbow dash, older rarity, older spike, older twilight, perfect timing, photo, princess twilight 2.0, rara, river song (character), series finale, sound, spa twins, subtitles, text, the magic of friendship grows, the ride never ends, time, wall of tags, webm, winged spike, yelena
Size: 854x480 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:angel bunny, character:applejack, character:big mcintosh, character:bon bon, character:derpy hooves, character:discord, character:fluttershy, character:gallus, character:lyra heartstrings, character:ocellus, character:pinkie pie, character:pound cake, character:pumpkin cake, character:rainbow dash, character:rarity, character:sandbar, character:scootaloo, character:silverstream, character:smolder, character:spike, character:starlight glimmer, character:sweetie drops, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (alicorn), character:yona, species:alicorn, species:changedling, species:dragon, species:pegasus, species:pony, episode:the last problem, g4, my little pony: friendship is magic, animated, book, credits, end of ponies, mane six, meme, ocean man, series finale blues, sound, spongebob squarepants, the spongebob squarepants movie, webm, winged spike
Size: 1280x720 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:applejack, character:fluttershy, character:pinkie pie, character:rainbow dash, character:rarity, character:spike, character:storm king, character:tempest shadow, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (alicorn), species:alicorn, species:dragon, species:earth pony, species:human, species:pegasus, species:pony, species:unicorn, g4, my little pony: the movie (2017), animated, astronomia, broken, coffin dance, death, female, irl, irl human, male, mane seven, mane six, mare, meme, obsidian orb, petrification, photo, sound, staff, staff of sacanas, webm
Size: 854x480 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:amethyst star, character:apple bloom, character:applejack, character:berry punch, character:berryshine, character:bon bon, character:carrot top, character:cloud kicker, character:daisy, character:derpy hooves, character:diamond tiara, character:drizzle, character:fluttershy, character:golden harvest, character:lily, character:lily valley, character:minuette, character:orange blossom, character:pinkie pie, character:prim posy, character:rainbow dash, character:rarity, character:roseluck, character:scootaloo, character:sparkler, character:spike, character:sweetie belle, character:sweetie drops, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (unicorn), character:twist, character:winona, character:zecora, species:dog, species:dragon, species:pegasus, species:pony, species:unicorn, species:zebra, episode:bridle gossip, episode:call of the cutie, episode:feeling pinkie keen, episode:friendship is magic, episode:winter wrap up, g4, my little pony: friendship is magic, animated, baby, baby dragon, crayon shin-chan, cutie mark crusaders, frog, ice skates, ice skating, mane seven, mane six, music, pmv, sound, sound edit, webm, youtube link
Size: 1280x720 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:applejack, character:discord, character:fluttershy, character:gallus, character:ocellus, character:pinkie pie, character:princess cadance, character:princess celestia, character:princess flurry heart, character:princess luna, character:rainbow dash, character:rarity, character:sandbar, character:shining armor, character:silverstream, character:smolder, character:spike, character:starlight glimmer, character:thorax, character:trixie, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (alicorn), character:twilight sparkle (unicorn), character:yona, species:alicorn, species:changedling, species:changeling, species:dragon, species:pony, species:reformed changeling, species:unicorn, episode:castle sweet castle, episode:friendship is magic, episode:the beginning of the end, episode:the crystal empire, episode:to where and back again, episode:uprooted, g4, my little pony: friendship is magic, animated, discovery family logo, dragon ball super, mane seven, mane six, my little pony, sound, student six, webm, winged spike
Size: 1920x1080 | Tagged: safe, edit, edited screencap, screencap, character:applejack, character:big mcintosh, character:derpy hooves, character:fluttershy, character:gilda, character:hoity toity, character:mayor mare, character:pinkie pie, character:princess celestia, character:princess luna, character:rainbow dash, character:rarity, character:spike, character:trixie, character:twilight sparkle, character:twilight sparkle (alicorn), character:twilight sparkle (unicorn), character:zecora, species:alicorn, species:dragon, species:earth pony, species:pegasus, species:pony, species:unicorn, species:zebra, episode:applebuck season, episode:boast busters, episode:bridle gossip, episode:dragonshy, episode:fall weather friends, episode:feeling pinkie keen, episode:friendship is magic, episode:griffon the brush-off, episode:look before you sleep, episode:suited for success, episode:swarm of the century, episode:winter wrap up, g4, my little pony: friendship is magic, animated, clothing, cowboy hat, female, hat, hydra, male, mane seven, mane six, mare, multiple heads, music, parasprite, pmv, sound, sound edit, two steps from hell, wall of tags, webm, youtube link