Heeeeey, been awhile since I did a MLP meme (let alone a shipping one lol). Yeah idk, I've been wanting to fill out an updated shipping meme for that fandom (even though I'm not 100% involved in it anymore aside from ships and such), but all the other memes I found just looked either too complicated or confusing to fill out on my own. So… I made my own meme template to use lol not exactly a "perfect" looking meme I'll admit considering that not every single character is listed here… but I tried my best to just include the ones most prominently involved in MLP shipping (not counting backgrounders though).
As with all the memes I fill out these are just MY personal thoughts/opinions, so please don't throw a tantrum or whatever if you see anything you disagree with here.
And yeah, I know there's quite a few lines to look through here so here's just a bigger list below to get the better picture lol (kinda too lazy to list the exact descriptions for each ship listed though, so if you're curious about my individual opinion about any of these than you just ask me about it in a comment below or something ). Also for convenience-sake I didn't include every single Mane 6 shipping combo to save space, so you can check out this other meme if you want more elaboration on them
-Dumbbell/Rainbow Dash
-Big Mac/Fluttershy
-Shining Armor/Cadence
-Double Diamond/Sugar Belle
-Rumble/Sweetie Belle
-Diamond Tiara/Applebloom
-Pinkie/Rainbow Dash
-Applejack/Rainbow Dash
-Double Diamond/Party Favor
-Sugar Belle/Night Glider
-Tender Taps/Applebloom
-Spike/Diamond Tiara
-Zephyr Breeze/Lightning Dust
-Gilda/Rainbow Dash
-Applejack/Autumn Blaze
-Big Mac/Cadence (only in an AU/past-fling scenario, if that makes sense)
-Ahuizotl/Daring Do
-Spitfire/Rainbow Dash
-Party Favor/Night Glider
-Tender Taps/Sweetie Belle
-Thunderlane/Rainbow Dash
-Zephyr Breeze/Treehugger
-Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy
-Applejack/Flim Flam Bros.
-Soarin/Rainbow Dash
-Quibble Pants/Rainbow Dash
-Double Diamond/Starlight
-Thunderlane/Lightning Dust
-Twilight/Rainbow Dash
-Lightning Dust/Rainbow Dash
-Bulk Biceps/Fluttershy
-Sunburst/Cadence & Shining Armor
-Big Mac/Marble
-Party Favor/Sugar Belle
-Double Diamond/Night Glider
-Pipsqueak/Diamond Tiara
-Dumbbell/Lightning Dust
-Storm King/Tempest
-Spike/Sweetie Belle
-Zephyr Breeze/Rainbow Dash
-Shining Armor/Chrysalis
-Big Mac/Cheerilee
-Big Mac/Sugar Belle
-Silver Spoon/Diamond Tiara
-ANY and all incest pairings (esp. stuff like Shining Armor/Twilight, Braeburn/Applejack, etc.)
-Celaeno/Rainbow Dash
-All Mane 6 Combos (plus Spike & Sunset)
-Twilight/Shining Armor
-All Pie Sister Combos
-All Apple Sibling Combos
-Rainbow Dash/Daring Do
-All CMC Combos
-Applebloom/Babs Seed
-Diamond Tiara/Sweetie Belle
Original Meme belongs to Me
in case anyone wants to use it too