Parcly Taxel: After the swim outside my villa I went to Burleigh Heads a few kilometres south and rode the high waves there — but as which creature? Initially I wanted a stingray owing to its large, flat profile looking much like a surfboard; after noting its flimsiness I turned into a windigo instead. They are spirits of the wind, so by manipulating air currents above the water surface I can create and ride tubes unassisted.
There are some differences between windigo me and the "natural" windigoes of the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant. While the latter only feed on hatred, I also respond to friendship by warming the surrounding air and in this part of the world there's a lot of friendship to go around. The cutie mark disappears from my flank in my own internal wind currents, so it moves to my cheek. Kissing me there is therefore a nice way to determine your overall feelings towards others.
Upvotes at import: 12 | Stars at import: 4 Posted previously at: 2014-11-21T11:17:01 | Posted previously by: Parcly Taxel
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