Backstory: While trying to defeat a great foe, the four princesses found that they had to combine not only their power, but their minds in order to defeat them. However, all of them knew whomever would go together, only one of the two ponies' minds would be in charge. Cadence and Twilight decided to go together, and the two royal sisters went as well. As the spell was cast, it was uncertain who's mind was in control, but the blast of power that almost immediately surged from the two remaining princesses was able to defeat their foe.
Present Day: Luna's mind was dominant in the fuse with her sister, and Twilight with her step-sister. The two princesses got to keep most of their natural looks. Luna has gotten very lonely after the two years, and Twilight has managed as well, trying to explain to her brother was hard, but he eventually moved on, and found some pony else. Twilight still had her friends, and Luna was now the ruler of Equestria, just like she always wanted. So why was she so lonely?