Previous >>1927730
>Moonie looks around with a thoughtful look on her face.
>"Even if there was enough magic for such a thing, why would we be the only ones left behind?" She says looking into a nearby window
>That is a pretty good question.
>Neither of you are particularly special, at least not in any obvious way.
>only one of you has any magic.
>"On top of making everypony but us disappear it would also have to bring in those creatures from… Celestia knows where…" Moonie continues.
>Thinking about all this doesn't make sense and only raises more questions.
>You focus on the bell in the distance.
>something else catches your ears.
>Taku hears it as well, her ears fold back in fear.
>"What is it Taku?" you whisper.
>Moonie seems to notice it now.
>"We gotta get out of here…" Taku whispers back.
>She starts running, you and Moonie follow.
>The sound becomes clearer as you run.
>It sounds like… laughter?
>Yes, definitely laughter now.
>You can't quite pinpoint where it's coming from.
>Taku suddenly dives into a nearby storefront.
>You and Moonie get inside and hide behind a shelf.
>Taku is cowering behind the front counter.
>The laughter gets closer and closer.
>It's probably just outside the store.
>Neither you or Moonie dare look in fear of being seen by it.
>It's laughter slowly shifts into a strange pulsing before going quiet.
>You can hear it's movements outside.
>It stops
>maybe you can get a look at it…
>"WHERE ARE YOU?!" several voices thunder in such a volume as to rattle the windows and shake a few small items from the shelves.
>"I SAW WHAT YOU DID!!!" they roar.
>You can see Taku violently shaking, covering her mouth.
>You can hear whatever is outside move.
>It seems to be moving down the street, towards the bell.
>You wait a while before peeking out.
>"That sounded like what came to the library while you guys were sleeping." Moonie whispers.
>You carefully move to Taku.
>she's shaking so bad, she can barely stand.
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