"Hush, darling, don't cry anymore." Iron will sighed, trying to comfort his wife. "Angus is in a better place now." He assured, not really sure if there was an afterlife for squirrels but wanting to ease Fluttershy's anguish. She always took her animals death badly, even when she knew it was coming.
"Lord Husband." Iron looked up to see his husband walk in, covered in dirt. "This king has finished putting Sir Angus to rest. Is she…?" He went over, watching their wife sob ceaselessly. He wished to do something but Sombra wasn't the type to comfort others. In fact, he was very bad at it, so he left it his husband.
All the while, little Acheron watched from the darkened hallway, his heart racing. Not because Angus had died, no he had accepted the little ones death days before. No, it was the dirt on his papa's hooves he was staring at. Had he… buried Angus?
"But that's not right…" He muttered, not sure why he felt a need to do something.
At Fluttershy's cottage, death is a pretty regular thing. Animals too old or weak to go on die and Fluttershy mourns them all. Her husbands do their best to comfort her through this though one is better at it than others. Later on, their children assist, taking care of the burial since asking their mother to do it would be too cruel.
All except Acheron.
He has a weird fascination with death and complains to his fathers that what they do 'isn't right'. He can never explain it and is often found with charred bones in his room. As a foal, he was once caught digging up a grave and while he couldn't explain why he was doing it, he continued to grave rob well into his adulthood.