Oh god I can't draw kiddos, why did I think this was a good idea?
So, when Apple Core grew her very first tooth, all around her were horrified to find that it was both rather large, and unfortunately placed. Poor kid was stuck with this as her only tooth for far too long, and her parents reacted exactly as expected; Big Mac tried to convince himself it was cute, and Limestone went off to do some shots somewhere like an adult.
They thought this was the worst it could get, but, well, you've seen this piece — fav.me/dcy6slc — so you know the harsh reality.
Also yes, I'm still on my Apple Core phase; she's rapidly becoming my favourite of my characters, and she's not even one of my proper next gens. I'm low-key building up other characters around her and all that, but haven't actually drawn any out yet. I've got so many dumb ideas that I should totally work on for her but I also need to get back to my other characters, who are probably feeling a little bit neglected right now. Idk, we'll see what happens
(And I did indeed forget her eyebrows, thank you for noticing)
More Apple Core for those interested:
— fav.me/dcxuehm
— fav.me/dcxxg99
— fav.me/dcya5in
— fav.me/dcz26ui