A Scootiara or (Skatiara) I drew tell me what you think Name: Steadfast Sapphire Age: 10 Species: Pegasus Family: Scootaloo or Skaterloo (Father/Mother), Diamond Tiara (Mother), Pearl Showers (Younger Brother), Twilight Sparkle (Paternal Grandmother), Flash Sentry (Paternal Grandfather), Cotton Nebula (Aunt), Spioled Rich (Maternal Grandmother), Filthy Rich (Maternal Grandfather), Twilight Velvet (Great Grandmother), Night Light (Great Grandfather), Shining Armor (Great Uncle), Cadence (Great Aunt), Flurry Heart (Cousin) She’s an energetic young filly who is very independent but can be rebellious and not listen to others. She likes being athletic but although being described as a tomboy is more in between a ‘typical tomboy’ and ‘girly girl’ Base Used Base by: ElementBases on DevaintArt
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Thumbnailed BBcode Copy[img]https://static.manebooru.art/img/2020/10/18/1961914/medium.png[/img] [url=https://manebooru.art/images/1961914]View on Manebooru[/url] - [url=https://www.deviantart.com/turnaboutart/art/Steadfast-Sapphire-785606126?ga_submit_new=10%3A1550164577]Original source[/url]