When I first made a next gen for AJ, he was initially a Carajack kid. Though when I started shipping Trenderjack, I redesigned him.
Race: Earth Pony
Parents: Applejack and Trenderhoof
Siblings: Honey, Apple Browning
Love Interest:Creamy
Cutie Mark: a heart shaped apple
Talent: Empathy and advice giving; could make a good therapist
Fun Facts:
-He's often referred to as "Corey", for simplicity's sake
-He's the firstborn of Applejack's kids
-Surprisingly, his hooves give weak kicks and bucks. It was this condition that made him feel that his mother didn't love him and was quite disappointed with the son she got. AJ regrets the slight neglect she gave him during his colthood.
-Corey is considered quite handsome and is a mare magnet, much like his uncle Big Mac. However, he has eyes only for Creamy.
-Literally, his skull is quite thick. He discovered this as a teen and now, uses it to help with apple harvesting instead of bucking. Don't be fooled with that piece of information though, he's quite smart.
-He has a strong dislike for the FlimFlam brothers and has an emergency routine he and Honey made in case they come trotting into Ponyville again. It involves his headbutts and Honeys magic.