okay my fav part of this drawing has to be Zephyr's bun. it is so GOOD hnnnnnng
"Dad!" Galeforce wrinkled his nose as he stared at the ice cream he just licked. "This has gross little chunks in it!"
"Gale, honey, that's how they add the flavor," Zephyr Breeze answered, waving his hoof around. "Eat it, it's not a big deal."
"But I don't like apple! I asked for mint!" Gale cried, thrusting his cone towards his father.
"I just asked for the green ice cream!" Zephyr threw his hooves up defensively. "How was I suppose to know that the one I pointed at was apple?" He looked at his wife desperately. "Babe, back me up here!"
"Ooooooooooooooooom," Tree Hugger gurgled. "Thank you, glorious earth mother, for blessing us with the cool enticing treats of ice cream." She opened an eye and stared at her husband and son. "Zephyr, babe, that ice cream will totally mess up our son's chakras. Why don't you try, like, a calming mint flavor? That will enhance his aura."
Zephyr groaned. "Two against one, huh? You win, son. I'll get you a new cone."
Gale might be an expert ice cream maker, but he certainly is a picky eater. He hates apples and chunky ice cream in general (except mint, of course).
My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro