Rainbow: "C'mon kid, you've been on that cloud for forever, time to get these wings to work!"
Rumple: "But… but we're so high."
Rainbow: "Duh! You don't want to learn how to fly on the ground, do ya? Now jump!"
Rumple: "WHAT"
Rainbow: "Jump!"
Rumple: "But I'll fall…"
Rainbow: "No you won't. You'll fly. You jump then you fly. Got it?"
Rumple: "But what if I can't fly…"
Rainbow: "Of course you can fly, you're a pegasus."
Rumple: "But what… what if I'll fall anyway."
Rainbow: "Uuurgh…"
Rumple: squeezes tightly to the cloud
Rainbow: "Rumpl-"
Rumple: "I don't want to fall!"
Rainbow: "…"
As a filly, Rumpletiny was afraid of not being able to fly and falling why trying. There's no need to say that Rainbow's teaching methods weren't one of her favorite. This was also her first time in the sky, as she never before had used her wings for flying or anything related to it, so she was feeling very insecure up there. Rainbow didn't realize, Rumple was raised up as an earth pony alongside her sister, and expected only the best from her little pegasus girl. She definitely wasn't ready for this situation, but in the end, she found a way to deal with it…
Rumpletiny belongs to me