Rainbow Dash: Spring!? Spring, where are you, little guy?
Tranquil Spring: Mom!!!
Rainbow Dash: Huh? There you are. Where were you?
Tranquil Spring: I was looking for a monster.
Rainbow Dash: …why?
Tranquil Spring: I heard a big pony talking about a monster, so I went looking for it.
Rainbow Dash: …Why?!
Tranquil Spring: Kebase I wanted to know if it was real.
Rainbow Dash: Fair enough but did you at least do the errand I asked you to do?
Tranquil Spring: No. I forgot.
Rainbow Dash: And the papers I gave you?
Tranquil Spring: [looks around] I dropped it?
Rainbow Dash: [sighs]
Rainbow loves her son but he is hard to manage at times. Like Rainbow, Tranquil is fairly impulsive, running off to do things without thinking about it. He is also monstrously curious and easily distracted, so he will just walk off when he sees something that interests him. To help him, Rainbow tries to give him errands to help him focus on a task but he never finishes them.
In this case, Rainbow asked him to deliver some papers to Spitfire since she had other things to take care of and didn't have time for both. Tranquil was doing well until he heard somepony talk about a monster near by and decided to investigate that instead. After a couple of hours questioning adults and foals alike, he found out that the monster was just some grumpy old pony whose groans made ponies think it was a monster.
Tranquil wanted to show his mom all the notes he did during his investigation but she had to hightail it to catch up with Spitfire so he would later just show his dad, who always loves his findings.