Nightshade was made for ShadyCatStudios. She is 6" tall and is my first project made of custom printed Spoonflower minky. I'm pretty happy with how she turned out, and I particularly love the crystal texture effect! She has appliquéd eyes and fused and painted cutie marks, and a bit of soft wire in her tail for posability.
I was really excited to work on this project since, as I said, she's my first done with custom minky. I'm excited to do more projects in the future using custom minky as well. I learned a lot about this! It was a fantastic way to get some really detailed patterning in in ways that would have been really difficult to accomplish before. Some thoughts on the custom minky:
— Nice silky texture
— Good color matching to digitised files
— Really fine lines and markings are possible
— Fast production and shipping (from the Berlin Spoonflower factory)
— Printed on a base of white minky, so even with careful combing some 'flecking' of the white base showing through the color occurs, particularly at seams. I think this would be less of an issue on lighter colored prints.
— Cannot adjust pattern pieces once they are printed, so you need a really firm pattern before getting the minky printed
— Gradients do not seem to print particularly well — there was more gradiented color in her hair in the file I designed, but it was broken down into pretty solid blocks of color on the fabric.
Overall a very good experience and I'm excited to do it again!