When I was drawing Pinkamena Diane Pie as a seapony back in mid February 2019. I had noticed a certain artist; whom I follow and wish to support further, that her birthday was coming up. O: I thought to myself, why not draw her pony OC (link will take you to her pony OC that she made). (\w/)
Not only this will show how much thanks for the kindness shown to me when I made this account in May 2018. This would also help me understand the use of the color pencils that was utilized here, as well with the use of ink outlining. X3 :3 w
I had also message TheNoosesMistress, what are her favorite sea creatures. >w< Along with a favorite Pokémon, which I planned to draw for her for fun, while gaining experience, once I make a handful of these drawings for myself and others in deviantArt. ;P
Characters in the picture…
I could only place three types of sea creatures to fill the empty space. One far above is a working whale that fathers two cheerful whale offspring. :3 Right is a happy looking oarfish. w And three innocent baby green sea turtles passing along a merry sea-batpony. (\w/)
What I learned when making this picture…
I had experiment my understanding of making the bubbles with color pencils, as well as the swift movement motion shown here. :3 I am please with the results. X3 I also focus my fully rested mind and body on making sure the lighting, shading, and shine show the best of my capabilities. Which I tackle much on achieving this, with the tailfin of this sea-batpony. (\w/) Many yays! X3 :3 w
As for the water, I… don’t know. /: I did what I could in making a sense of level of depth here, but this is what I can produce without oversaturating the image with blue. o:
Digital version?… o:
A digital version of this will be far from ideal, since I can no longer hold any promises on deadlines or and more so on pictures I no longer wish to revisit once it has been made.wBut another part would like to see that digital version of this image. :3 The usages of photoshop, the effects, the lighting, shading, etc. is just tempting to keep on going, but I got other pictures to mess around. w And for me to finish this in three weeks. X_x It doesn’t seem feasible with the personal life issues I face these days when I had submit this, folks.w