Backstory: Meet Transita, a cheerful pony-loving anthropomorphic New Flyer XD40 city bus who serves as the BronyCon shuttle between the Convention and the airport. Built in 2013, she was originally going to work in Manehatten. Unfortunately, a factory defect (rainbows blasting out of her exhaust pipe every tine she revs her engine) saw her get recalled, then auctioned off. An unknown brony, who likes public transportation, bought Transita, and repainted her. After finding out about Transita's defect, the brony then introduced her to My Little Pony, which she became a pegasister after a few episodes, and still remains a pegasister to this day. Soon, Transita got a call from Bronycon. She then smiled happily. Transita has been approved to work as the convention shuttle. Ever since then, she shuttles bronies between the BCC and the airport, even showing off her amazing rainbow-blasting defect to everyone.
We will always be bronies and pegasisters forever!
Upvotes at import: 24 | Stars at import: 18 Posted previously at: 2019-03-09T18:26:49 | Posted previously by: JRShinkansenHorse
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