So with all the new species added to mlp over the years, I've been thinking about a Total overhaul of my ponified characters, so starting with my main man Medic
Name: Life Spark
Species: Crystal Pony (Unicorn)
Special Talent: Keeping you alive
Spells known: Wound binding; Crystal shard projectiles; Crystal charge (ubercharge)
Why a crystal pony? Because they're a species who have a ancient Greek inspired aesthetic, would be horribly outdated thanks to their 1000 year banishment, and were previously living under a dictatorship. They also outwardly present their emotions by glowing brightly. I thought that all slotted in very nicely with Medic's entire deal. Greek aesthetic of Archimedes and the Hippocrates bust, outdated medical beliefs, completely off the shits at all times and therefore constantly glowing. I also figured that the ubercharge of this world would look more similar to crystals? Like diamonds?
Though crystal unicorns are rare, likely thanks to King Sombra not wanting any competition for the throne, I'd like to think that there are some around.
As for working with the rest of the team, some of his teammates like Scout and Soldier think that he's actually made of crystals and if he falls over he'll shatter like glass.