another installment in the machine saga timeline since silverstream and skystar got models.
Silverstream was saying her goodbyes to equestria and had a surprising anxiety episode when she was slated to take the trip through the machine and reside in another world… to help calm her down Skystar decided to take matters into her own claws and fire up the machine and go through herself, strapping into the IPV(interplanetary personal vehicle) and enduring the massive G-forces when she felt the deceleration of the drop net in the receiver node Sandbar and Ocellus had built. Skystar then told everything about what Silverstream was going through and that Silverstream also needed to have a member of her family with her in a new world. a week later and Silverstream made the journey and she was VERY happy to see not just her cousin but her friends again after 8 months of absence. they all made points of catching up with the personal lives of both parties. Ocellus ordered pizzas and some McDonalds for the meat eaters present. Silverstream was more than ecstatic when she learned of Gallus, Ocellus and Sandbar all being married, Gallus clarified that there was always room for more partners… Sandbar then made a point of bringing up an easy solution to a difficult problem "since so many of us are getting married to each other why not just include everyone and start a herd? the paperwork would be a nightmare by the 4th marriage ceremony" to that everyone agreed and Ocellus scheduled a ceremony for all 7 of them to become part of one herd, they would all be morally and legally obligated to care for each other and provide for each other, everyone being officially a family would also make living together a lot easier for reasons they would soon discover.
but then Silverstream asked a question none of them really knew the answer to "what's up with that big golden glove thing back there?" none of them exactly knew what it was… they only knew it was important somehow but no one ever touched it because they never paid it any mind Silverstream's remark had caused them all to Question what it was, Gallus made a response that did not satisfy Silverstream's curiosity "you know none of us even really know… we just found it one day… it's made of metal so it's more of a gauntlet than a glove… but as far as we know it's just some gauntlet with multicolored gems in it, it's heavy as hell though and radiates energy so much we just hooked it up to the house's power… just dont touch it until we take it to someone who might know what it is" Silverstream was now extremely curious as to what the mysterious gauntlet was and had an overwhelming urge to try it on… she would have to wait until everyone was asleep though…
to be continued… dear lord what have I done… Silverstream in close proximity to the infinity gauntlet will not end well
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