Coxal raised a paw and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. The Nursery turned out to be a lot more comfortable than the dirt nest she was used to lying in, and she was waking up more well-rested than she had been in a long time. After getting up and walking to the mouth of the cave, she yawned as she stretched her back. A scratching noise turned her head, and she looked upwards to a pair of large purple eyes staring at her.
She jumped back with a short yell as a small changeling dropped from their position on the cave wall.
"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to startle you. My name's Lilac! I, um, was sent over to tell you about breakfast." the little thing smiled, hopeful, up at Coxal.
"Uh, thanks, but I'll catch myself something to eat nearby. " she replied, shouldering past the young changeling. Free food and free shelter. She huffed with annoyance. I can take care of myself just fine.
"Oh, um, okay," Lilac said, with a note of (Wait, is she actually disappointed I'm not coming? Sheesh) sadness, and continued. "Well, if you change your mind, just head to the center of the Hive! That's usually where we hold our mealtimes."
Coxal looked over her shoulder as the changeling — Lily, or something like that — skipped back around a rock wall and out of sight. The dragoness turned her head back out, facing the badlands, and stepped outside the Hive's walls.
hey ny'all thank u for being patient art school is currently kickin' the crap outta me
also im gonna b honest, i was a little stuck when it came to what i was gonna have coxal's story do next. thankfully i now have a ton of sketches for the future!