chazkopa suggested a picture of Twilight and Thunderlane's wedding.
I debated whether to have Celestia or Cadence be the officiant, but Celestia being such a mentor to Twilight made her fit that role better. Plus, Cadence needed to make sure the bachelorette party didn't turn into an all-night O&O session.
This being the wedding of a ruler of Equestria and one of the Wondertbolts, all of Canterlot was abuzz with excitement. The ceremony was followed by a procession through the streets of the city. The newlyweds then boarded a dirigible to take them to a small reception at Ponyville Castle.
The flowergirl and ring bearer were the Princess' young wards, Lady Sky Wishes and Sir Spike the Brave. The best man was the groom's brother Rumble and the Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor shared the role of the matron of honor.
Upvotes at import: 9 | Stars at import: 8 Posted previously at: 2019-05-20T20:20:51
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