Very old fanfic, which have long been seen and this idea has long since passed its time. However, I have not seen good comics with this yet.…
Fun fact — if someone started to draw a comic on the grounds of this fanfic — this would be the most cruel joke.
I personally like everything in this fanfic, yesterday I read some really terrific works from different authors, but this one can really be adapted to the comics almost completely. Perhaps there are a couple of problems with adaptation, they always happen, for example, that the author does not see the characters in his vision and not describe situations while they are talkin', and therefore we get the situation that the characters can talk about fundamental things, transforming it into unimaginable ideas, but all this time they just stand still for, like, ten pages. And what does the artist should do in this case? Torture the audience with panels where ponies just stand still and chat? If you don't already know, then I just predict — boredom is guaranteed. You will bored half of the comic and think why the artist does they job at all. F* best adaptation ever!
But this one.. well, 70% is enough. This is more than the artist can usually get, trust me! Therefore we do not have so many comics with big interesting stories about ponies.