Cataphract Blade, is a pony who became a high ranking commander in Princess Twilight's army after she was given the throne by Celestia and Luna, Cataphract is the opposite of Chancellor Neighsay(Where he was an isolationist, Cataphract is an imperialist, where he was speciesist but at least honest about it, Cataphract claims and argues she is not one and is offended by the mere suggestion) who believes in conquering the other creature kingdoms and forcing them under pony culture. Commander Blade believes that the best way to stop any other threat to Equestria is to make them subjects, calming.
"What these benign creatures lack, is a single ruler, somepony to tell them what to do, how to act, and what's best for them, and do you know who that ruler is gonna be? (Boops Twilight)"
Upvotes at import: 23 | Stars at import: 17 Posted previously at: 2019-06-01T18:06:12
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