Hey, guys. I just want to let you know that I have been part of Deviantart for exactly one year. It's been fun so far, and yet I want to push myself further with new works posted whenever, whether it be reviews, vectors, or just something fun that is related to MLP. I am uncertain about the future, but I know with the one final episode of MLP:FIM right around the corner, I know I still want to show people that I have never lost interest in the MLP community and want to continue posting artwork and write my personal thoughts about characters, episodes and even the people who created the show. Ever since I stumbled upon the show around Season 2, I knew that a show about the continuing line of toys aiming towards girls was going to leave a big impact, and it turned out bigger than I expected considering the surprising Brony fandom pushed the popularity of the show to another level, and then the spin-off series Equestria Girls had also did so well it lead to sequels based of the 2013 film and a YouTube series and several shorts and specials. Each and every season the show had it kept building and producing good episodes along with some weak and bad ones. But no matter what I became attached to this show and it's fandom and I will not let go of it any time soon. Kudos to Lauren Faust and everyone who brought passion into making this one of my favorite shows of all time.
Base created off of: derpibooru.org/1971596?q=under…