This is a sequel to
Rainfall (eldest daughter of Rainbow Dash and Soarin) returns to Ponyville where her childhood Summwer Wind (eldest foal of Fluttershy and Big McIntosh) meets her. But it doesn't mean her depression is gone.
RAINFALL: "What was the point?"
SUMMER WIND: "Hmm? What are you talking about?"
RAINFALL: "Coming here. Why did you do it? Was there anything rational about? Any real reason?"
SUMMER WIND: "Is any reason always needed? I came here because you are my friend. Because I care about you."
RAINFALL: "Don't fool yourself. That's just another display of our animal instincts, which we tend to imagine as something "more". You "care" is a part of animal mating rituals, nothing else. We are just stupid delusional creatures — that's what we are…"
SUMMER WIND: "Rainy, what has heppened? You haven't always been like this. Restraining your feelings and emotions like this is too dangerous. Not only it makes you unhappy, but it endangers your life."
RAINFALL: "As if my life matters. As if anyone's life matters. I… I don't care… if I die young… so be it… but I will not be… a slave to instincts… a slave to delusions… only reason matters… only reason…"
SUMMER WIND: "Rainy, what will be left of life, if there will be only pure cold reason left? Look what are doing to yourself. Nothing brings you joy, nothing makes you happy. I can't remember the last time I saw you smiling. The last time I heard you laughing. Rainfall, everypony worry about you. Your parents. Your friends. Me."
RAINFALL: "Rubbish… delusions… I… will… not…" (sob)
MLP:FiM belongs to Hasbro
Art belongs to me