"This small colt is a ghostly entity that seems to only approach those who remind him of his family. He usually asks to sleep on their bed. Reason could be for either he somehow died in his own bed and he is afraid of sleeping alone. Or he is just looking for his mother. For the past few nights, he's approached me and started asking me for food or to turn something down or up because it bothered and disturbed him. I'm afraid I'll have to ask him to leave, i don't want him scaring my little sister. He shows no form of hostile behavior but his appearance may freak little Ree out." — from one of Terra Normal's ghosts and hauntings files.
ironicly later on, Terra's little colt, Terrance Psyche (short for Psychedelic) had later made friends with him.
Since the small ghost colt couldn't say his name, Terrance just called him Sleapeazy due to the excessive sleeping he does. He couldn't spell "Sleep-easy".