Wanting to know why portals somehow separate and prevent the magic of Equestria from entering the Human World, Twilight decides to experiment on her mirror to figure it out. And it goes about as well as you could expect… ^^'
"Not to worry everypony! I promise I'll fix this somehow!"
"Great… And while you figure out how, I suppose the world is going to have to get used to being ponies now."
"*Sob!* I don't want to be a pony. My dresses aren't MADE for PONIES!"
"I don't know about you, but I'm ENJOYING this!"
"Ahem! Sunset Shimmer… Twilight Sparkle… Principal Celestia would like to have a word…"
Well, this was awkward ^^'
But don't worry. Twilight will fix everything (hopefully). In the meantime, I guess it's time to open up some BUREAUS ^^
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2nd follow-up: >>2087382
3rd follow-up: >>2093585
4th follow-up:>>2093590(DNP'd!)
5th follow-up: >>2099727
6th follow-up: >>2100522
7th follow-up: >>2112630
8th follow-up: >>2109073
9th follow-up: >>2116077
10th follow-up: >>2148332
11th follow-up: >>2148333
12th follow-up: >>2247649
13th follow-up: >>2286427
14th follow-up: >>2286433
15th follow-up: >>2335136
16th follow-up:>>2356019(DNP'd!)
17th follow-up (conclusion): >>2371646