Name: Charming Rocker
Nicknames: Rocky, Prince Charming
Gender: Male
Species: Pegasus
Age: 19
Sexuality: Bisexual
Place of birth: Appleloosa
Currently lives: Ponyville
Personality: Artistic, intelligent, easygoing, sensitive, sometimes stressed.
Likes: Music, concerts, comedy, being smart, learning new things, Moon Heart
Dislikes: Being stressed, feeling overworked, having bad days, stalking and harassment, when ponies argue, being guilt-tripped.
Fears/phobias: Feeling that he's being watched, losing friends and close ones, especially Moon Heart.
Favorite color: He likes every color.
Hobbies: Piano playing, singing, song-writing, flying (Usually as exercise), hanging out with friends
Taste in music: Country, jazz, disco, rock, and pop.
Pets: Honky Cat (Cat)
Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Both (Mostly peaceful)
Special skills/magical powers/etc: He can do wing-stands on the piano.
Backstory: He was born in Appleloosa to an Earth pony mother and a Pegasus father, and he was their only child. He spent most of his childhood there until his parents sent him to a school in Canterlot (Which isn't Celestia's School, by the way; in my MLP Headcanon, Celestia's School isn't the only school in Canterlot.). He was very shy around other students, which made them think that he was being selfish. Since he didn't have a cutie mark yet, it was something that the students made fun of him for, causing him to be upset. However, at home, since his family owned a piano in their living room, he discovered that he could play the piano, and doing so often made him feel better, as well as impress his parents. It wasn't until there was a talent show going on, where Charming Rocker revealed his true talent, which he received a standing ovation from the audience, and earned his cutie mark. Since then, he felt a lot more confident at school, made a lot of friends, and even made some fillies laugh with his jokes. During his free time, he would practice playing piano, write songs, and even sing some covers. Growing up, the more concerts he performed, the more fans he got, which he became famous for, and rightfully so.
When it came to fame, there were also consequences. During his touring, Rocky often had a fear of being stalked, and he often had troubles with stress and a lack of sleep. It wasn't until one day, during one of his concerts, when he met not only one of his biggest fans, but also the love of his life. And that was Moon Heart. Moon Heart often spent time with him whenever he wasn't touring and/or performing at his concerts. She would often help him out with song-writing as well as other things. During this time, they both had mutual feelings, but they never really spoke about it. It wasn't until one day, when Rocky was really stressed out during his tour, that he lashed out at Moon Heart when she tried to help him. He felt bad for what he did towards her, so he wrote her a song as an apology and showed it to her a few days later. Eventually, she forgave him and revealed her true feelings for him, which blossomed their friendship to romance.
Since then, it has been easier for Rocky to go on tour and perform concerts without having to feel overwhelmed, thanks to Moon Heart. There have been times when he needs to have a break from his tours once in a while, but he'll never give up no matter how hard it may seem.
You can draw Charming Rocker, or any of my OCs if you like!
I hope you enjoy, and more art will be coming soon!