Since today's ATG prompt is Draw a pony experiencing your favorite moment in the fandom / Draw a pony experiencing how you discovered FiM for the very first time (SFW). I choose the second one since I don't really have any significant moments that stood out to me.
Anyway, I found out about the show because of the Bronies documentary I chose to draw that. How did I find about the documentary? It was mentioned in a podcast my dad listens to. and we watched it, then the first two episodes, we both liked it.
For about 6 years I didn't really partake in the fandom side of the show. That was because I was always a season behind because of how weird Netflix is with adding seasons to shows, that was before I knew about the other was to stream the show. Also I didn't really feel comfortable with announcing the fact I was a Brony because of all the things I heard…
When I did, nobody really said anything. Thats because as I found out, almost nobody cares anymore.
So that's my fandom story.
not provided yet