HAPPY BIRTHDAY (actually belated) to the voice behind our two super adorable ponies — ANDREA LIBMAN!!!
We all know and love Andrea as the voices behind two very special ponies who spread kindness and bring laughter wherever they go. Her high-pitched vocal perfomance was perfect for the overly silly, bubblier than bubble gum Pinkie Pie, and her soft, whispery tone gave the sweet, gentle Fluttershy made her the most beloved and adorable Pegasus pony anyone could ever want. It is always a treat to hear her as the most adorable mares who either make us laugh nonstop or make our hearts melt into hot ooze with a delicate and heartwarming word. Initially, I've known Andrea Libman in only one show, Yakkity Yak as one of the titular character's friends, Lemony, but now that I've heard and loved her performance in another great cartoon, I can't say I only heard her once. She is truly one of Vancouver's best VAs ever!
Okay, okay, okay, this is TOTALLY BELATED. Well, I didn't know it was her birthday on the 19th, especially since I was planning to go to Comic Con on that day. I am very sorry for this overdue piece. I can be so terrible at making important artwork for birthdays, holidays, etc. But despite that embarrassing setback, I decided to make this anyway. Hopefully, Andrea will love and accept this. I thought Pinkie Pie being carried aloft with her Pinkie balloons to hover with Fluttershy was perfect, and with her yovidaphone expresses her silliness and her passion in playing it.
Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro
both vectors by me
If you have access to Twitter, I hope you tweeted to Andrea Libman and wish her a very happy birthday. She deserves all the love and appreciation for her dazzling performance as gentle, kind animal-lover, Fluttershy, and bubbly, ever-happy party pony, Pinkie Pie.