Now pumped with testosterone, Learning Curve's competitive and more brash side slips to the forefront after the transformation. This is no bad thing of course, the Cheerilee part of her does tend to usually pull the strings and command order (surprisingly because of how soft spoken and kind she is) but the teacher knows it is best to keep the attitude under wraps with her obligations to her students and i think Spitfire concurs and agrees to let off the steam in practical lessons and her other coaching pastime for that is where it is best suited. Don't want to make the more sensitive students cry with her bluntness now do we?
I think Learning Curve dealt with the sudden change by soaring off into the sky, doing some sick tricks that would rival even the former Rainbow Dash, (staggeringly smooth and aerodynamic despite his/her bottom ehavy physique) in order to burn that emotional energy. She/he would land a much more calm and collected thicco able to be an asset to the team in setting in motion what everypony would do from here due to his/her experience in planning and organising courtesy of Cheerilee.