Page 190 — Grand Line II, Part 2
Author: DragonTrainer
Guest Author's Note:
"When I made this guest page, I wondered if Newbiespud and I also shared a time zone. It also made me wonder where exactly our characters live, too. The Darths and Droids cast probably live all the way in Australia. Hmm… maybe I should have one of my characters take a trip there some day… Ah well, whatever.
"Share a story about a time when you or someone you know called someone up in the middle of the night just to game. Probably doesn't happen very often, but hey… it'd be interesting if I were proven wrong about that, right?"
Transcript:SFX: (RING RING)
Applejack: Rika? It’s four in the mornin’. Whatcha callin’ me fer?
Rika: Is it really? Oh, gosh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize cause of the time difference and all, ya know?
Rika: Oh, really? Anyways, we’re talkin’ bout startin’ a pony game over skype. Ya want in on it?
Luke: Kickin’ down the door.
Natalie: Hey, Rika! Playing Munchkin! In or out?!
Applejack: Are ya still gamin’? Don’tcha got class in the mornin’?
Rarity: What the… It’s four in the morning! Who are you talking to at this hour? I knew this slumber party was a bad idea.
Applejack: It’s not a slumber party! Don’t call it that!
Rika: Hey, that who I think it is? Tell her I said hi! And what’s this about a slumber party?
Applejack: Some of us had too much tah drink so we’re sleepin’ it off stead o’ riskin’ a drive home.
Twilight Sparkle: Who’re you talking to at this hour? I knew this slumber party was a bad idea.