Page 303 — Exceptional Taste
I'm not really a music snob, myself. (That's more my dad's field than mine.) I'm more the kind of guy who, if you ask me what kind/genres of music I like, I'll respond, "Eh, just about everything." I go by individual songs more than genres. There are certain dubstep songs I like. There are certain J-Rock songs I like. There are certain country songs I like. There are certain Broadway musical numbers I like… The list goes on and on, but not enough to say that I like any particular genre more than others.
It can be frustrating to be this kind of guy, because on long interstate car rides, one potential conversation starter gets shot down immediately. Not to mention I'm completely unhelpful at picking a radio station (or an iPod playlist). I sometimes envy you people with good taste in music.
But I digress. My chosen fields are storytelling and gaming, and I'm alright with that.
Transcript:DM: Well, looks like all the dirt holes you can see are filled. And now, the three Diamond Dogs themselves pop out of the dirt piles to face you! Roll for Initiative!
Applejack: <roll> Whaddaya mean you don’t know who Bowie is?
Fluttershy: I know who he is…
Applejack: Not you. Miss “Ah-Don’t-Know-Nothin’-Before-The-2000s” over there.
Rainbow Dash: I just don’t know him! Geez! What’s your problem?
Twilight Sparkle: Well, he is a rock legend with decades of notable work. It’s a little weird to have never heard of him.
Pinkie Pie: What kind of music DO you like, anyway?
Rainbow Dash: What does it matter?! Hey, didn’t we already go through all this? Y’know, with the druid and the tribbles- I mean parasprites?
DM: Uh, girls? There’s a combat going on…