Page 432 — It Builds Character
Author: Lyntermas
Guest Author’s Note: "It's always important to try picking a type of character that best fits your playstyle. What are classes that you have found suit you? Or, tell a story about players who weren't as good figuring out how to best play their classes.
Transcript:DM: My, you girls look determined. What’s up?
Apple Bloom: Hey, DM, we were wondering if we could become official adventurers in the pony game. Sweetie Belle: You know, like our sisters are.
Scootaloo: Yeah, we rolled up characters and everything.
DM: Really? Like what?
Apple Bloom: I wanna be an artificer. I could learn wizarding potions from Twilight, and shaman remedies from Zecora.
DM: Hmm… well, that could work. But you might be lacking in offense until you get some magic weapons to boost.
Apple Bloom: Don’t worry, I got some ideas. Poisons, acids, burning oils… Oh, would my teachers have access to sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitra-
DM: Not a chance. Sweetie Belle, what would you be doing?
Sweetie Belle: Well, I thought that I could be learning from my sister at the Boutique.
DM: Um, you mean sewing dresses?
Apple Bloom: No, silly, she’s in a perfect position to learn how to be a rogue. She’d be a stealthy creature of the night, able to perform clandestine operations.
Sweetie Belle: I don’t know what “clandestine” means, but Apple Bloom said that I’d be a big help!
DM: …Sweetie Belle, if you saw a colt drop some bits in the road, what would you do?
Sweetie Belle: Oh, I’d pick them up and try to get them back to him! We can’t go around stealing stuff. We’re the good guys!
DM: …Of course you are. How about you, Scootaloo?
Scootaloo: Bard. Definitely a bard.
DM: Really? I must confess, I thought that you’d want to be a barbarian like Rainbow Dash.
Scootaloo: Well, that was my first idea too, until I drafted up… Scootaloo, Winged Empress of Rock and Roll!
DM: …What.
Scootaloo: As the audience watches with bated breath, Scootaloo slashes at her foes with her mighty battleaxe! Then finishes them off with a guitar riff that melts their faces off! Now that’s the kind of character I want to play!
Apple Bloom: So, when can we start our epic quest?
DM: I… might have to get back to you on that.
Sweetie Belle: Wait, what’s the name of Rarity’s guild, again?