Page 487 — Home Away From Home
It's a busy, busy, busy week in this conglomerate of hobbies we call Newbiespud. I completed my fourth Let's Play, this comic arc's wrapping up, and the podcast marches on.
Fallout is Dragons took much longer to edit than anticipated. We've got the 20.75 session today, and we'll hopefully have 21 first thing tomorrow. On the other hand, I've started putting together a little wiki (via Obsidian Portal) for the campaign to help everyone keep track of information, so that should be up and running in a couple of days.
Session 20.75: Libsyn YouTube
I'm quite tired going into this weekend, with plenty of work to look forward to. At this point, I'm considering taking a quick break (no more than two weeks) from the comic to recuperate. But I've always been big on keeping content running here, and it's too late to ask for guest comics with one week left, so I'm still in the considering phase.
Transcript:DM: After Celestia takes her leave, nothing else stops you from getting back home to Ponyville. As you arrive by train at Ponyville’s station, you cease to be Dainty Dove and are once again Rarity of the Carousel Boutique.
Applejack: Got all that worldbuilding out of your system, DM?
DM: It’s a start.
Fluttershy: Yeah… It feels like a lot happened this session.
DM: Sorry about not having much for you to do.
Fluttershy: It’s okay. I mean, yes, next time I wouldn’t mind more for me, but I was okay just watching today.
Rainbow Dash: So. Session over? Call it a night?
DM: Not quite. Rarity, when you arrive at the Boutique, you find a closed envelope waiting for you in the upstairs bedroom.
Rarity: I’m assuming I had locked the door…?
DM: Yes, you had.
Rarity: Wonderful.