"There. That should do the trick." Hazelnut tighten the crimson string's knot around her son's tiny leg, but not too tight. Just enough where it would be very comfortable and easy to remove once it had completed it's task. "Now, Silo. This little string is very magical." She said, checking the string over once to make sure it was secure. The young colt examined the string, his expression showing confusion for his mother's reasoning of tying a thread around his arm. "I really don't understand , mama…"
"Well… you know how you can forget to do certain things like getting the mail or forgetting your schoolbag?" She lifted his leg up to he could see the string more clearly. Silo furrowed his brow skeptically at the thread as his mother's hoof gestured at the red bow. "This right here is going to help you remember all types of important things."
So I wanted to do more random doodles with a small snippet to help with my writing since I feel of the boat a long time ago. So now I'm trying to get back into it lol Expect more of these in the future, as I want you guys to get a feel for my characters and their personalities. It helps with development
Also this like years in future obviously as Hazelnut has longer hair and has calmed down in nature lol