Page 581 — Lime-Flavored Light
Maintaining a balanced character focus is pretty important. Otherwise, one of the players starts looking like "the main character" and causing resentment in the rest. Or alternately, one player gets to ignored they feel like the fifth wheel. It might sound as easy as "don't play favorites," but some characters (and some players) (and some DMs) (and some campaigns) make it harder than it sounds…
Transcript:Rainbow Dash: Ugh, come on. Rarity gets an instant ticket but the rest of us get the runaround?
Applejack: Actually, I think this is the DM's way of solving the character focus problem, weird as it sounds.
DM: More or less.
Applejack: We talked about this between sessions. Like you said, Rarity's gotten a lot of "face time," but now… Now she's gonna be in the background for five or so sessions.
Pinkie Pie: 'Cause it's our turn to be in the spotlight and do something amazing, right?
Applejack: Yeah. Then Rarity gets her chance, but she goes last.
Rarity: And I'm more than willing to wait. You've all been very patient.
Rainbow Dash: It still… kinda sucks, though.
Applejack: Like I said, slapdash. Not perfect.