Page 643 — The Dream Job, Part 4
No Mawlers Take Manehattan this week again, because 1) hellcold and 2) The Phantom Pain. But that should be mostly cleared up about now (the cold, that is; I'm still playing and probably streaming MGS5). It's great that I'm getting better, though, because I get antsy when I feel like I'm not being productive enough. It's why I have way more projects going on at once than I can reasonably maintain.
Transcript:Fluttershy: T-T-T-T-The moon? We have to go up there to… enter the nightmare dreamscape so we can rescue Rarity?
Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry, this is a first for me, too. I'm just as baffled.
Applejack: Finished taking inventory for the Equestrian Space Program. One rope.
Twilight Sparkle: And a ton of magic!
Princess Celestia: If we combine our strength, we can make this trip possible. But it starts with this humble rope.
Pinkie Pie: You're going to LASSO the moon?!
Fluttershy: Oooh!
Princess Luna: Easy now… We can't ask you to cross so many miles of open space. We have to bring it closer.
Rainbow Dash: Did… I hear you say that right?
Princess Celestia: Pull! Use your strength!
Applejack: I have a few obvious physics questions. Shouldn't these two objects be getting crushed in each other's gravity?
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, or… messing up the tides, throwing off orbits, and other… sciency stuff…
Pinkie Pie: Less lampshading, more moon-pulling, maggots!