Page 757 — Mission Questionable
There's a dungeon-crawling episode of Fallout is Dragons today! (If there's one thing I've learned in the last two years, it's that dungeons are really tricky to do in a purely call-based game with a short time limit. Still, an effort was made for this, possibly the last lair of the campaign!)
Session 59 — Astaroth's Museum: Libsyn YouTube
Transcript:DM: Do you want to skip to tomorrow, or do you have anything you want to add to today's training?
Applejack: Ah think we can pretty safely skip.
Rainbow Dash: I yell at them a lot. But, like, in a supportive way!
DM: Alright, then. Tomorrow, the whole town will be gathered to quietly watch the Breezies. It's both a cultural event and a rare nature event. The Breezies' nature and method of travel are as precise as they are delicate. If you scare them, or otherwise divert them too far off their path, they might not make it back home. The trick will be collecting the pollen without causing an incident.
Pinkie Pie: Rarity? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to pickpocket a tiny, adorable, airborne fairy-pony.
Rarity: …I don't think you appreciate how difficult that task is, if you think about it.
Fluttershy: Not robbing the cuties.