A time after King Thorax claimed the changelings' land to his own and after Queen Chrysalis was vanished, Swarmdra was formerly unsure about her new appearance, but she felt more comfortable with it after a time, unfortunately her ex-friend Hoppert never accepted not only King Thorax's new leadership, but also he wasn't OK with Swarmdra's decition:
Hoppert: Maybe i'm not so brilliant, but it seems to me our friendship isn't going nice anymore, Swarmdra.
Swarmdra: Hoppert, you know best that it wasn't for others, I was afraid to try more ways of friendship, but now that I'm brave enough, I want to make more friends. One of them, Forest, made me see that beauty doesn't lay on the outside, and I remembered that if something happened to any of us, we wouldn't care of what we decided
Hoppert: But we didn't care about plundering Canterlot, attacking other ponies, just to feed ourselves, now I'm watching all of your aspirations fade away, We were OK when Chrysalis was on the top!
Swarmdra: No, you and the other changelings wanted to break havoc and certainly that's what you believed on that second thing, others like me decided to be more responsible, today your pride doesn't make you see what can be best, you can be a better changeling Hoppert, if only you give Thorax a small chance to…
Hoppert: YOU PROMISED ME NOT TO CHANGE! I'm starting to doubt about what we had when you said that!
Swarmdra: It seems you'll never accept another type of friendship, not even the one that we had until now, now I see we're not absolutely getting along after all of this
Hoppert: You mean…. I get it. You do your life. But never find me again. We're no longer friends, since de think too different
Swarmdra: I let you be happy with the life you've chose
(Swarmdra flies away, leaving Hoppert alone and annoyed)
Art © shadymeadow
MLP:FiM © Hasbro