The latest commission for. He wanted to revisit the "spoiled Applejack" idea in pony form, and chose a yak as the species to portray it. As he describes the transformation process:
Day 1: AJ: What's this? Spike did warn me to avoid any strange objects. Maybe I should bring it to him.
Day 2: AJ: Stupid chores. All I ever do is work around here… *Huffs a bit* Can't I get a little shopping in now and then?
Day 3: Spike: AJ, are you okay?
AJ: 'Course I am, dragon. I'm thinking of leaving this stupid farm and going someplace where I'm respected.
Spike: Uh, okay. *Sweats nervously*
Day 4: AJ: Appelina finally leaving stoopid farm for Yakyakistan. Dragon! You help carry Appelina bags now.
Spike: *sighs* Yes, Applelina.
Applelina: Meanwhile Appelina will admire self.
Day 5: Applelina: Nom nom nom. Grass good for Applelina. *keeps nomming*
Spike: I can't believe I lost AJ this fast. After I help her move, I'm definitely going to tell Rainbow to not touch any weird objects.
Day 6: Applelina: Servant! Bring Applelina more jewelry!