Page 731 — Flirting with Danger
Author: MissFinefeather
Guest Author's Note: "I made this as a guest comic ages ago and I've been holding on to it ever since. Keep missing my chance to submit it. xD
"Well anyways, saw submissions were up again, cleaned it a bit to meet standards and here we are!
"This was inspired by Spoony's video 'Beware Women, for They Come from Hell' video. I don't know what came over me to use Fluffle Puff for this, but it is a thing that happened."
Newbiespud's Note: I imagine few people will have no idea what the source material is, considering how ubiquitous it is in the fandom, but it bears re-linking.
Transcript:DM: Ok, that's going to be a diplomacy check. And I'm going to need to hear what you're going to say to her.
Fluffle Puff: I talk about the future! rolls 15!
DM: Really? Well, I guess that's a success.
Queen Chrysalis: You bore me, but I guess I'll stick with you for a while longer.
Fluffle Puff: Ooh, she's a keeper!
DM: OK, what are you going to do now?
Fluffle Puff: I impress her with my sweet van!
DM: There are no cars in Equestria, Larry.
Fluffle Puff: It's not a car, it's a van!
DM: They don't have those either!
Fluffle Puff: Then I impress her with a toy van!
DM: …
Fluffle Puff: Does she like it?
DM: …eh, sure why not? She invites you to her hotel room.
Fluffle Puff: Yay!
Applejack: Hey guys, I think the girl Larry is hitting on a succubus.
Rainbow Dash: What was your first hint?